Is it possible to live on trains?

alifia nurfajri henia
3 min readJul 2, 2024


Captured my personal experience for the past one and a half year living in Java Island as perantau #Piesfieldnotes

I spend most of my working time in the field. I have to say, train is the suitable accommodation to travel to one place and another. Actually, I used to get tired because of the long duration, the crowd, the noise, and the insufficient of time sleep. I try to keep myself comfortable but there were some “challenges” that out of my control. There is one moment where I got the hint point to imagine, what if I could have one chance to live on trains? The rapid situation probably can happen monthly, as I mentioned earlier of special condition due to works behavior.

Photo by Leandro Maldini on Unsplash

The hardest part during my voyage is the unwanted noise from somebody. You may understand the passenger who bought the ticket have their own purposes and no rules against that. However, I fell to the condition where I can’t understand the diverse of one specific behavior that results of bothering others. I can filter some noise that can be tolerated. But, the unpleasant noise such as people yelling with curse word was the one that made me to stood up and scold. Fortunately, this is my first time to ask them to get remained silence. This experience has been happened two weeks ago, that was why I have thoughts to refuse going somewhere by trains for a while.

My intention and imagination gave such a nice things before I arrive to the train station but with that condition just really dissipates my moment of pleasant traveling. I want to highlight that even I was experienced it once, it could not be neglected for many times. I do not want to cite it as traumatic or something above my mind state. I am starring to the core of problem and finding the solution; what if in the future, I will be faced the same incident or even may worse?

I remember the points of “The Importance of Breakdown” from The School of Life book that said:

one of the great problems of human beings is that we’re far too good at keeping going …. living up to what is expected of us (p. 73)

A bird’s eye view is my principal and I hesitate to look deeper about my self esteem at responding the problem. I was very skeptical because whenever and wherever I travel, there must be unpleasant situation will happen once. I think, it is the nature law.

However, I did not realize I can manage it by taking breakdowns step. Yes, it is hard due to subject matter, but the breakdowns systems has just remind me if it is an attempt to learn from extraordinary opportunity. By this, my memory recalling to proceed I could be living and working in Java Island (far from my hometown) was only sticked on my dream. But now I have through the moment of truth and landed me to where my life changed. Changing from only “see the trains on TV” and now change to “live on the trains”. The rare occasion that now seems really possible.

That is why now, I am trying to exercise my personal traits to be more agile person. And although some factors are out of your control, there are a few ways we can attempt to dislodge us from toxic effect. At the end, I never get tired to learn actually human behavior since I claim myself as Product Researcher, right?

Probably this is not only the meaning to put one side of bigger reasons in experiencing life, but also seeking for searching self-knowledge in the middle of rush life.

